Ultraview Corporation Has Moved to a Larger Facility Located in Berkeley, California.
Berkeley, CA, August 15, 2011 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Ultraview Corporation, a leader in high speed data acquisition, announced today, it has moved into a much larger facility in the up and coming West Berkeley Warehouse District to accommodate it's expansion. The company plans to occupy it's new location, at 9,500 square feet, for at least the next 10 years.

Recent company growth has necessitated, as well as facilitated, a larger and more up-to-date facility. The new location, at 808 Gilman Ave., Berkeley, CA., 94710, will be uniquely suited to the company's future positions and roadmaps for growth and expansion.

About Ultraview Corporation

Ultraview, founded in 1987, manufactures a wide range of high performance OEM and COTS 8, 12, 14 and 16-bit PCI/PCIe data acquisition boards, PCI/PCIe bus live insertion extender boards and analysis tools. These products are used in a wide variety of applications in defense, communications, scientific, medical, educational and OEM manufacturing and testing.

For the most current company information, including contact information & OEM discount pricing, please visit Ultraview Corporation's website at:

Press and Sales Contact

Erik V. Pohovich
Director of Sales and Marketing

Ultraview Corporation
808 Gilman Ave., Berkeley, CA., 94710
925 253 2960 Office

Ultraview Corporation's full line of Data Acquisition, PCIe Extender, and Digital Synthesizer products can be viewed by visiting: